Thank You Supporters!
It’s been a wonderful year for Mobile Medical Team International. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Our team has just returned from Pakistan developing Project Diffusion’s edducational videos and laying the groundwork for internet connectivity to the schools and clinics there. MMTI was awarded a Plaque by the National Universrity of Science and Technology (NUST) in Pakistan. MMTI met with the local Board of the Human Development Foundation (HDF) and Government Officials, and coordinated our first meeting between Inveneo and HDF-Pakistan regarding the next steps for implementing Project Diffusion in Pakistan. We are honored to have Mr. Azhar Saleem, Pakisan CEO of HDF, join the committee for Project Diffusion at MMTI. A village medical clinic which alone serves an entire vilage of sixty families was heart touched to recive the donation of infant hats and blankets personally knit by one of our patrons, Mrs.Grotz.
Each and everyday throughout the communities we serve, someone from MMTI is touching the life of someone in need, and in doing so, giving us another reason to be thankful this holiday season. we thank you for your donations, whther knit balnkets for infacts without electiricty or heat, monetary or donation of yourselves in service. Thanks to our large volunteer support, .85cents on every dollar reaches the target populations we serve. To learn more about how you can support our efforts please our website www.mobilemedicalteam.org
So as we enter a new year we would like to personally thank you for all your support throughout 2012.
With Gratitude,
Dr. Naureen Shaikh and the Mobile Medical Team International Family